
High Temperature plants, which sensors to install in extreme heat conditions?


What do drying plants, waste-to-energy plants, foundries and plants for the production of bituminous conglomerates have in common? The process of handling and storing liquids and powders for production, or deriving from the tratment of raw materials, takes place a t high temperatures. An activity that requires safety and a sensor suitable for extreme conditions.

CAMLogic has developed various solutions in the field of control instruments suitable for use in the presence of high temperatures. Below, we present 4 tangible examples of installation in high temperature environments.

1. Bituminous conglomerate plants

In bituminous conglomerate production plants the mix of bitumen, dried dust and ballast and filler must be mixed at a temperature of 150-160°C and then kept fluid while waiting for it to be transported to the paving site. Over the years CAMLogic has collaborated with companies specialized in the production and laying of cement, introducing in particular two rotary level indicators.

The PFG05AT and the PFG57AT, in fact, are a certainty in terms of measurement and control because both are ATEX certified and able to withstand up to 200°C.

2. Drying and extrusion plants

In extrusion and drying plants, the exposure of raw material to high temperatures allows for the elimination of humidity and to maintain unaltered the chemical and physical characteristics of the product for a longer time.

To respond to these continuous production and storage rhythms, it is recommended to install the PFG05ATFV rotary model, a sensor for a maximum temperature of 200°C, ATEX certified. Its double flange allows the discharge of condensation caused by the thermal difference between the inside and outside of the silo, always ensuring an accurate measurement.

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3. Waste-to-energy plants

Having a reliable, tested and customizable is essential especially when the parameters of the application environment are extreme and very specific, such as in the case of waste-to-energy plants.

The combustion of waste, in fact, can even reach 1000°C and produces leftover dust, at about 600°C, that make up for about 25-30% of the overall burned waste weight. This is why instruments for high temperature such as the PFG05ATFHV60, a rotary level indicator for up to 600°C, are often installed in waste-to-energy plants.

4. Foundry plants

The sand used in the foundry forms the core of the casting molds. Its recovery and storage also require an instrument for high temperatures. During the production process, in fact, sand comes into contact with castings at over 1000°C and is then relatively cooled and used again. The PFG05ATFHV, specifically designed to withstand up to 400°C is often used in this type of plants.

Cement industry, dryers, incinerators and foundryes are just 4 fields of application of the CAMLogic high temperature range. Having a reliable, tested and customizable is essential especially when the parameters of the application environment are extreme and very specific. Discover the full range of level indicators for high temperatures.

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